Short Term Rentals / “VRBO” / “AirBnB” Rules Applicable to Our Neighborhood

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Your Board of Directors hopes this message finds each of you in good spirits, good health, and
off to a great 2023! The value of our community’s foundation is the people who make up the
community, and the beauty of our community as it has aged gracefully. We are a vibrant
community, filled with hard working people who care about our surroundings, care about our
families, and we care about the continued values of our homes.

Recently, we have experienced an upswing in efforts by certain property owners to use their
respective homes for hotel use, overnight and weekend rentals, and other transient-type and
commercial uses. These uses include advertising and marketing of such homes on websites such
as Air BnB and VRBO. Please be advised that such uses are PROHIBITED in our community.
The result of such use is the presence of strangers within the community, and potential safety
issues to nearby residents. The Restrictions which govern your property provide No lot shall be
used for any purpose except for single family residential purposes … The term “residential
purposes” … shall be held and construed to exclude … multiple family dwellings, boarding houses,
hotels, and to exclude commercial, business and professional uses … . Our Association expects
each and every property owner to follow this rule.

If you observe or learn of any such short-term rental use within the community, please do not
hesitate to report the activity to the Board. We pledge to investigate such instances to the extent
possible, and the Association reserves the right to pursue legal action in connection with any and
all violations of our community rules.

Your anticipated cooperation and assistance with this growing problem will be sincerely
appreciated. Please help us preserve the Spring Creek Oaks community as a peaceful and quiet

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