Aggressive Behavior Towards Deed Restrictions: Please be advised…

Attention Residents:


During the September HOA meeting it was brought to the attention of the SCOCIA Board that some residents (particularly in Section 1) were exhibiting defiant, belligerent, and even assaulting behavior towards SCO Deed Restriction Enforcement who are applying parking violation stickers to cars.  Please note that the primary purpose of enforcing SCO Deed Restrictions (including parking on streets overnight) is to protect the home values of all SCO residents.  Additionally, the parking restrictions are specifically intended to ensure the safe access of our neighborhood streets for residents, local law enforcement and first responders.  Please be advised that the SCO Board will not tolerate any form of inappropriate behavior directed at Deed Restriction Enforcement, and all offenders will be immediately reported to law enforcement.  Please report any evidence of such behavior to the Board.  As a reminder, no motor vehicle should be parked overnight on the street (more than 6 hours)*.  After 3 sticker violations, residents will receive a monetary violation.


Thank you for your cooperation in this manner,


*Cars parked in driveways will not be stickered-only cars parked on the street.

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