Spring Creek Oaks has three sites with 12 total neighborhood tennis courts located at:
- Clubhouse 2 (Bur Oak at TC Jester) with 6 courts
- Winding Ridge (Kuehnle Courts) with 4 courts
- Clubhouse 1 (Misty Creek) with two courts and a tennis backboard.
These tennis courts are operated and maintained using funds collected and allocated by SCOCIA. The Tennis Committee operates and maintains the courts as a standing committee of the SCOCIA Board.
The tennis courts are available for SCO residents and their accompanied guests daily until 11pm. SCO tennis courts are used primarily on a walk on basis and are not reserved for individual recreational play. As a homeowner you may use SCO courts and to gain access, you need to submit a deposit to receive a gate key from our gate key person as the gates are to be locked at all times.
Tennis Committee contacts:
- Co-chairs: Amy Schlottman and Mary Ann Guidish tennis@springcreekoaks.org
- Tennis gate key: Susie Nacewski (713-806-5052) snacewski@comcast.net
- Court Scheduler-Amy Schlottman courtscheduler@springcreekoaks.org
- Men’s Coordinator-Frank Vross fvross@sbcglobal.net
Tennis Court Rules and Guidelines for League Play can be found on the website under Rules and Regulations.

League Information
- Men play league at night. The league is North Suburban Tennis League of Houston (http://www.nhml.tenniscores.com)
- Tuesday is the B+D level – We have one B team.
- Wednesday is the A level
- Thursday is the C level – We have one C team.
- Monday day league is HLTA. The website is www.hlta.com. Currently SCO fields three teams: A-1 West, A-3 North and B-3 North.
- Monday night league is NHTA. The website is www.nhta.tenniscores.com. We have one A-2 team.
- The northwest tennis league is www.nwtl.org. We have two teams that play on Thursday; they are Champ 1 and A-1.
- The Friday day league is www.texasjackrabbitleague.com. Currently we have four teams and they are: Champ 1, B-2, C-1, and C-2.
Youth Tennis-YTA
Currently SCO has no YTA team and the Coordinator position is open. The youth team competes after school in the fall and spring with a 14 under team. They play on Thursday. YTA has both beginner and intermediate youth play. The website is: www.nwyta.org.
Other tennis leagues in our area are:
USTA for men, women and kids. The website is www.USTA.com
Spring Creek Oaks sponsored Tennis Leagues:
If you are interested in joining a SCO team, e-mail one of the tennis chairs who will give you the appropriate information. You can e-mail us at tennis@springcreekoaks.org. If you want to start a new team in SCO contact the committee for “how to” information.
Tennis in the summer
Fun Monday night women’s tennis is at Clubhouse 2 starting at 7:30. All playing levels are welcome.
Tennis Pros
As a courtesy to our residents, the SCO tennis committee has listed a tennis pro who will provide tennis lessons to both adults and youths at our Spring creek Oaks tennis courts.
Gene Norris lesson_tennis@yahoo.com 281-615-1064
Brian Dollar baddollar@gmail.com 281-788-6476